Thursday, September 25, 2008


I was describing my spiritual life to someone earlier today. The word that came to mind...stale.

Now what?


Anonymous said...

Repent for making your spiritual life about you and your feelings.

We have become a generation that marks a good spiritual life as one with goosebumps and tingly feelings. Lacking goosebumps and tingly feelings, we think we are doing something wrong.

Get in the Word. It is the only place you will encounter God. Don't underestimate the layman's ability to read and understand the Bible without a PhD.

Write out your prayers. When you do that, remember that He already knows what you really mean to say so you may as well come out and say it. No sugar coating.

If you're mad at God, tell Him. But be prepared for Him to possibly respond like He did to Job.

I was only so forceful of thought because you asked. Sometimes "stale" means, "I need a kick in the butt".

I love you.

Ginger said...

Great advice. I love when people are "forceful" and direct with me when I ask a question. I am not sure this is how I "feel". It is just where I am at.

B and V Leonard said...

Wow, this is a very transparent blog. Thanks for opening up Ginger. I know that's hard. Praise God for Amy's encouragement .... I agree with her.

I have started a "snack pack" of scripture that help me in my daily walk. I basically write scripture on a 3x5 cards and have them with me all day. I even put my name in the verses like it was written for me!

Ginger, I'll pray for you and if you ever want need to chat, just let me know! :)

Ginger said...

That "snack pack" idea is great! Thanks.

NandL said...

I just wanted to say that I am sure you are not alone... ;)
Do I have any advice? Hmmmm, pray and read. That is pretty much all that comes to mind. Maybe we can encourage each other in that.....
Love ya!
Laura H...